11. Choose a Different View on Life's Pitfalls:

A book that I love and highly recommend is "A Man’s  Search  for Meaning" by Victor Frenkel.

This is a book written by the father of  Logotheraphy on his personal experiences during the Holocaust.

There is no experience more difficult than the Holocaust, for that experience took everything from a man , from his material possessions to his dignity, his name, his basic needs such as food, sleep, and loved ones.

I found the book to be amazing and life changing, Victor noticed that the people who survived this horrible experience were people who had something or someone to live for, something much grater then them  that helped overcome their impossible sufferings, whether it's a book to write or someone they love.

Victor also noted  that most people view life's pitfalls with self pity-why is this happening to me?

It happens to everybody.

 He thinks that in difficult situations one should ask one self why did life summon me this test, this experience, what do I need to learn from this? Then understand and put  it into action.

Another thing that I have learned from this book is that if you analyze the most horrible situation rationally the suffering decreases, the conclusion from  this is amazing for it means that even in the most horrible situations in life, even if everything is taken from us nobody can take from us the freedom of how we deal with it.

Please remember that.


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