A different view for success:

Let's face it life is not easy. But we should take it lightly.

A person can really exert himself ,  sacrifice his sweat and blood and there will be no fruits to his labor. At times even giving your absolute 100% isn’t enough, and it's difficult and frustrating and you want to scream from the top of your lungs and give up, but you mustn't give up, as the saying goes, you might have lost the battle but you won the war.

Even if things don't go as they should, don't view the experience as a failure, but as a learning experience, as a temporary set back, maybe it happened because you took a wrong turn.

What distinguishes a winner is his view of life:  he sees no drama or mistakes, rather he sees a lesson, an experience, now he is wiser and he knows what not to do.

He doesn't let this set back get  him down and give up, a winner is similar to James Bond, and he keeps his cool no matter what comes his way.

One must try and try again until one is positioned in the right place before the target.   Any experience is a feedback for you on how close or far you are from your goal.

Enjoy the dart game…

P.s.-And another thing, if you quit the race before the finish line you loose, and it makes absolutely no difference if you were leading through the entire race.  


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