Don't Be Arrogant; There Is Always Something To Learn And a Way To Improve Yourselves:

There is a well-known saying from a very wise philosopher who said before he died that he realized how  how little he knew.

That wise man was right for there are so many different jobs for example that we are not aware of or even know about. Even in your own field you can be the best Chef, but that doesn't mean that you can't learn something from your assistant;  maybe he can teach you another way to cut an onion without crying, or a way to cut faster without hurting yourself.

All I'm trying to say is there is always something to learn from everybody, and that you shouldn't be blinded by your ego. Once you believe that you are the best and nobody can contribute,  that is the start of the fall that is about to come. For,  a person with that set of mind will have  difficulty in adjusting to changes that come with time and eventually will eventually be left behind. 

There is a famous Zen story about  a university professor who came to visit a wise Japanese man to learn about Zen but all that he did when he set down was to talk about how much he knows about Zen. While the professor was talking the wise Japanese man was pouring tea into a cup, and he kept pouring and pouring although the tea was spilling from the cup.  The professor said to the wise man: Stop, can't you see that the cup is full?!

The wise man simply replied as the cup is full and can not convey the tea, so are you not capable to convey my words.


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