A Wise Person is a person that reflects his departure from this world when he still  young:

I know it sounds weird yet it's true.

People are very confident that they will live to see old age. Therefore most people tend to act selfishly and mainly worry about advancing their interests to achieve their goals and their own success thinking that in an older age they will amend their deeds.

I heard many people say: Now I'm young later I will think about my actions-assuming they will have that time later in life to be more considerate to other people. Let's face it the most important date remains unknown and many people would have lived their life entirely differently if they knew their expiration date.

A person that reflects seriously and objectively on the actions that he takes will be able  realize his mistakes on time and amend  relationships with people in his surroundings; such people will be able to see the  consequences of their actions.

The movie "White" with the amazing actress Emma Thompson  emphasises how important reflecting is.

The movie deals with a successful career woman, a professor whom everyone respects and everything in her life went exactly as she wanted under her control, but one unfortunate day she discovers she has cancer at a very advanced stage.

All of a sudden her image and her life's achievements didn't matter to her.

All she longed for was some human compassion, affection, a hug. The irony is what she longed for was what she had denied her students as a  professor.                                                              

Lying in that hospital bed gave her a lot of time to play different scenes of her life but in an objective way. She was able to view her life from a mature point of view and with an understanding of what she could have done differently without self pity or being judgmental; unfortunately it was already too late  as she was not able to get up from the hospital bed.                                                 

Therefore I hope you can understand the importance of this matter, each person has his issues to fix and I don't think you need to wait for a serious life crises to realize what needs to be different.

If you ponder once in a while and you do get to see old age then you will have fewer regrets by doing so.

To the blessing of objective reflection. 


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