Be clean:

John Ri  , the man that brought Ta Quan Do martial art to the western civilization used to dedicate his time to training children in refugee camps.

He taught them that the first thing that a warrior needs to face is himself, a warrior must be capable of looking at himself directly at his eyes in the mirror and smiling for he is at peace with himself, he has nothing to hide, the soul is relaxed for deception and lies are not a part of him, there is no burden on the heart, you are an honest person and people trust you and want your presence. 

A person that is clean lives with integrity, his word equals his honor, he won't break promises and he learns every day something new.

When a person lives by that his self esteem rises for he knows his worth.

Nowadays such warriors are hard to find. I hope that you will choose to live your life as the honest warrior; for if you do I promise you will wake up happy every day and peace of mind will be a part of your life.

Nobody will be able to bring you down for you have a strong foundation, and even if somebody spreads a rumor  about you it won't stick for long.

Good luck my fair warriors. 


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