
Showing posts from November, 2020
  Letting you in on the principles I chose to live by:  –  I understand that I am responsible for how to live my life and the way I react to situations and surprises that come completely out of the blue.   I understand that as Kala I live only once and   therefore I must be modest and appreciative of life and the small and simple gestures that people are kind enough to give me. Even if you are in a hurry stop and smell the roses, look at the beautiful sky and smile. Always remember that you are very lucky to be you cause there are far worst things then you are going threw, and every second is a possibility to change your life and become a better person to others and yourself. I understand that I should set boundaries for   myself to keep my commitments and that way I won't hurt myself because when you don't keep your commitments that causes stress and stress leads to anger that leads to one feeling physically ill and a   lack of serenity.   The principles I choose to
                                                  A gainst All Odds: In the early 50's there was an incident that a young Aborigine male named Max Stewart was accused of rape and murder and was sentenced to death without having a trial, the movie that was made about this case is called: Black and white 2002 An attorney named OSullivan stood up to defend Max, and even when he lost in one of the trials he appealed and to the high court and used the press to get attention to this case. This was very important for it made people get out of their ambient and not to ignore it as another Aborigine. The problem was that no matter what the attorney did it can not be allowed for him to win the case, for winning the case will show that the police is corrupted, and it will shake the power and creditability he had at the public's eye. But the attorney kept fighting because he knew he had to save him from death row. In the end the verdict was changed from death row, and guilty of murder to
     About finding that delicate balance between living & being spiritually rich: In the past a person was valued not only by his wealth, but also by his spiritual integrity and level of compassion – this was more balanced.   Nowadays a person is measured by his job, social status, and the parties he is invited to, the car that he drives and how big his plasma screen is at home.   We live in a consumer world were we are measured by how many and how frequently we shop.   O f course it has a lot to do with commercial brainwashing that sends us messages such as   if you buy th is car your family will love you.   They use the ideals we grew up on and that we search for when buying a   product, for $99.99 a month you can get closer to that ideal of   happiness. Living in this consumption mentality encourages us to be lost, to look for peace & happiness outside of ourselves. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that one should   live as a monk with no material posit
Know Yourself: Part of being successful is to really getting to know yourself objectively, your strengths and weaknesses, and then learn ing to accept them and doing your best to strengthen your talents, and find ing   a solution or someone who can help you with these stre ngths. The sooner you work honestly with yourself, the better.   A lthough you could always try to improve your weaknesses,   awareness is key.   This will help to make you a better person.  
  Learn To Appreciate Yourselves: People at times are full of resentment to themselves for they did not reach the goals they had in mind or because their surroundings had cretin expiations of them or because the don't fit into societies definition of success. Each person is very unique, each person has his own talents and weakness, each person has his own likes and dislikes, so that pattern of society of do well at school, get a degree, work in a respectable job, make money, marry someone to have a mortgage some kids and a white fence with an occasional golf game with the friends can not be every body's definition of happiness and success, yet people keep doing what is expected from them and are chasing that collective dream that they were thought growing up, thinking that it's their own personal dream to realize once they achieved it that they were chasing an empty shell ( I think that's the reason for a high divorce rate and that's the reason for those mid life cr
    Walk The Walk: One day as I was walking down the street I noticed that I was walking with my shoulders and head facing downwards, and when I tried to walk straight with my head held up I felt uncomfortable. So I started observing different people and their walks to discover that people tend to reflect their environment growing up or their current difficulties in their walk. People who grew up in a loving supportive environment, that came from a financially stable background were walking up straight and were carrying them salves proudly. On the other end people who work hard or that live with tight financial measures, were walking with their back bent their head was looking down, they were walking as if they were carrying the weight of their life's burden was on their shoulders. I think that at least from my case my walk at the time indicated a low self esteem , and I was sending a massage that I feel uncomfortable with the idea of taking space. It took me time, but I changed my
    Be Thorough: If you wish to be financially independent or there is a cretin subject you don't understand don't ignore it, dive into it! It is important from various reasons such as: 1) Understanding can help you identify opportunities or find loop holes that can ease your way. 2) Your self esteem goes up, for not knowingly it buttered you more then you realized, and suddenly the subject is not Chinese, you feel smarter and will probably want to experience that feeling again about a different subject. 3) By demystifying you are taking the fear that is blocking you from taking action out of the equation. 4)People will have   a more difficult time to deceive you in the matter of the subject and you will be able to tell the difference between being given a good or bad advise, and you will be able to maximize the benefits of the deal. By not knowing anything on a cretin subject you are taking a serious risk by completely trusting another person, that you can not be sure   about
  Don't Wait For The Right Time To Come-For It Never does : People have the tendency to procrastinate, to push their actions on living their dreams for a fogy time in the future, Why? I will give an example from my life: When I was 20 years old and started to have an interest in real estate investing I got many responses from people such as: Why are you studying real estate, I can understand people who have money, but you?! Or: Yes, real estate, I am interested in that as well but I'm waiting to have money first/to have time. Excuse me for saying that but: Bullshit! Many people can make money by recognizing an opportunity, but how can you recognize even a gold mind hitting you in the head if you don't know the meaning of rent stabilization or assumable mortgage? About luck of time, I think it's one of the stupidest excuses I ever hared, If people can find the time to watch T.V at least 4 hours after work every day, they can dedicate those exact 4 hours once a week for a
  Don't Be Arrogant; There Is Always Something To Learn And a Way To Improve Yourselves: There is a well-known saying from a very wise philosopher who said before he died that he realized how   how little he knew. That wise man was right for there are so many different jobs for example that we are not aware of or even know about. Even in your own field you can be the best Chef, but that doesn't mean that you can't learn something from your assistant;   maybe he can teach you another way to cut an onion without crying, or a way to cut faster without hurting yourself. All I'm trying to say is there is always something to learn from everybody, and that you shouldn't be blinded by your ego. Once you believe that you are the best and nobody can contribute,   that is the start of the fall that is about to come. For,   a person with that set of mind will have   difficulty in adjusting to changes that come with time and eventually will eventually be left behind.   Ther
  Don't Expect Other People To Take Care Of Your Needs: It's is very important to understand in life that even if a certain person makes a commitment to you, even if it's a person you helped in the past or a family member not to rely on their promise. In life the real people that deliver are people who talk less and do more, people who showed you that they are capable of keeping their word numerous times. But  it is important to remember that you also have plan B. For example: Your parents told you they are going to help you pay the rent but you still have a temporary job just in case. It's important to understand that even a person you helped financially, or let into your home most likely won't be there for you.   J ust hope for the best because usually that person you helped will forget all about you when he leaves.   K eep in mind that true giving is without expecting anything in return so be strong and remember you gave, so that person did not take advant
  Decide what you want to be but deliver your self with integrity: In any given moment you have 100% control on your approach to life, on how you react to people and situations, and the type of person you want to be. Even if until now you were the total opposite of who you wished to be or who you would take pride to be   you need to understand that you and only you have the power to change your reality a 180 degree change. Try this take a piece of paper and a pen and write what you are right know and what you want to change in your personality, let's say this month you are focusing on   taking life easy and joyfully, or from now on I arrive to every meeting 10 min early. Please don't make your life difficult by trying to change everything at once, make up to 3 changes in a month and genuinely stick to them, and then when you feel confident add more changes.Or even better make a Column with the trade you want to change, and the other Column write the action   that by doing that
   A Wise Person is a person that reflects his departure from this world when he still   young: I know it sounds weird yet it's true. People are very confident that they will live to see old age. Therefore most people tend to act selfishly and mainly worry about advancing their interests to achieve their goals and their own success thinking that in an older age they will amend their deeds. I heard many people say: Now I'm young later I will think about my actions-assuming they will have that time later in life to be more considerate to other people. Let's face it the most important date remains unknown and many people would have lived their life entirely differently if they kn ew their expiration date. A person that reflects seriously and objectively on the actions that he takes will be able   realize his mistakes on time and amend   relationships with people in his surroundings ; such people will be able to see the   consequences of their actions. The movie "White
 Life's Dynamics: Life is very clear and logical, it is people who make things complicated by their lack of objectivity, it is difficult for people to see things and most important accept things for what they are. Most people round the edges (  I mean,   ‘most people make things look better than they are) and adjust the color to be rosier in order to make situations fit their inner desires. When such thing s take place,   no warnings from people around can help because people truly believe they can change the circumstances to fit their vision. In literature there is a term called indicating hint. It is a very simple but authentic   method to view a story and I think life as well.   Throughout the story you view each character by the words they use and the actions they take, it is very accurate for you can easily know in the beginning of the story what to expect from each character for there is a clear pattern repeating it self. In life it is the same, a person that failed y
    A different view for success: Let's face it life is not easy. But we should take it lightly. A person can really exert himself ,   sacrifice his sweat and blood and there will be no fruits to his labor. At times even giving your absolute 100% isn’t enough , and it's difficult and frustrating and you want to scream from the top of your lungs and give up, but you mustn't give up, as the saying goes, you might have lost the battle but you won the war. Even if things don't go as they should, don't view the experience as a failure, but as a learning experience, as a temporary set back, maybe it happened because you took a wrong turn. What distinguishes a winner is his view of life :   he sees no drama or mistakes, rather he sees a lesson, an experience, now he is wiser and he knows what not to do. He doesn't let this set back get   him down and give up, a winner is similar to James Bond, and he keeps his cool no matter what comes his way. One must try and
  B e clean: John Ri   , the man that brought Ta Quan Do martial art to the western civilization use d to dedicate his time to train ing children in refugee camps. He taught them that the first thing that a warrior needs to face is himself, a warrior must be capable of looking at himself directly at his eyes in the mirror and smiling for he is at peace with himself, he has nothing to hide, the soul is relaxed for deception and lies are not a part of him, there is no burden on the heart , you are an honest person and people trust you and want your presence.   A person that is clean lives with integrity, his word equals his honor, he won't break promises and he learns every day something new. When a person lives by that his self esteem rises for he knows his worth. Nowadays such warriors are hard to find. I hope that you will choose to live your life as the honest warrior; for if you do I promise you will wake up happy every day and peace of mind will be a part of your life. N
    Overcome your ego: 90% if not 95% of most of the problems in the western world is from our pride. The ego is similar to a smoke screen that is clouding your judgment and prevents you forgetting your priorities straight. This is the reason behind why people are loosing the love of their life, falling financially, experience quarrels in the family, for a lot of people even after realizing their mistakes will not admit it, instead they act like a small child who hides behind the pillow thinking that nobody can see him. I admire people who can say I changed my mind, I made a wrong choice, for they are brave enough to know that you can't always be perfect and not make mistakes, and instead they face their wrongs and try to do their best to save the situation, there for they have room to grow mentally and spiritually. Overcoming our ego is difficult for we were thought that it's a natural aspect of our personality, but in reality it is our biggest obstacle that takes riptide diff
  Learn From The Fool Card in the Tarot: There are many talented people in this world; unfortunately you can't see that because most people don't dare to act on their desires. In life I act as the fool on the tarot, I happily jump from the cliff to the deep unknown waters and then I deal with the problems as they come. It works for me and I recommend trying this approach to anyone for sometimes the fear of the unknown is grater then the real obstacles that come. By acting on my desires I am happy for there is no wondering later what if I had done that? I know for I tried, th erefore I am happy. Once you start a project you get the ball rolling, it's already materializing to reality, what needs to be learned you'll learn, adjusting to new conditions comes naturally when you're in the process of realizing your wishes. Even if you fail you will still feel more at peace with yourself, you will get to know yourself in different situations, and most important ly   you wi
  Live Life  ☺  : You live life only once so try to truly experience and enjoy everything that you do, whether it's eating or spending time with your family. Try to experience everything with your five senses, Value the people in your life and what you have, value the roof over your head and the bed you sleep at night. There are many people who are lucking this basic needs, so please learn to appreciate what you have, breath deeply, look at the beautiful sky listen to the birds and smile, LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!
  11. Choose a Different View on Life's Pitfalls: A book that I love and highly recommend is "A M an’s   Search   for Meaning" by Victor Frenkel. This is a book written by the father of   L ogotheraphy on his personal experiences during the Holocaust. There is no experience more difficult than the Holocaust , for that experience took everything from a man , from his material possessions to his dignity, his name, his basic needs such as food, sleep, and loved ones. I found the book to be amazing and life changing, Victor noticed that the people who survived this horrible experience were people who had something or someone to live for, something much grater then them   that helped overcome their impossible sufferings, whether it's a book to write or someone they love. Victor also noted   that most people view life's pitfalls with self pity-why is this happening to me? It happens to everybody.   He thinks that in difficult situations one should ask one self why