Be Thorough:

If you wish to be financially independent or there is a cretin subject you don't understand don't ignore it, dive into it!

It is important from various reasons such as:

1) Understanding can help you identify opportunities or find loop holes that can ease your way.

2) Your self esteem goes up, for not knowingly it buttered you more then you realized, and suddenly the subject is not Chinese, you feel smarter and will probably want to experience that feeling again about a different subject.

3) By demystifying you are taking the fear that is blocking you from taking action out of the equation.

4)People will have  a more difficult time to deceive you in the matter of the subject and you will be able to tell the difference between being given a good or bad advise, and you will be able to maximize the benefits of the deal.

By not knowing anything on a cretin subject you are taking a serious risk by completely trusting another person, that you can not be sure  about his agenda. It is very similar to gambling, you might learn a lesson the hard way (by loosing your money for intense).

I saw many times people nodding their heads and agreeing just to avoid the embarrassment of admitting they don't know. It is quite stupid when you think about it for it is money you worked very hard on, so why put it in someone's else's hands and pray that everything will be okay?

Be responsible when it comes to your money, don't be blinded by the fancy office and suite.


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