Walk The Walk:

One day as I was walking down the street I noticed that I was walking with my shoulders and head facing downwards, and when I tried to walk straight with my head held up I felt uncomfortable.

So I started observing different people and their walks to discover that people tend to reflect their environment growing up or their current difficulties in their walk.

People who grew up in a loving supportive environment, that came from a financially stable background were walking up straight and were carrying them salves proudly.

On the other end people who work hard or that live with tight financial measures, were walking with their back bent their head was looking down, they were walking as if they were carrying the weight of their life's burden was on their shoulders.

I think that at least from my case my walk at the time indicated a low self esteem , and I was sending a massage that I feel uncomfortable with the idea of taking space.

It took me time, but I changed my walk, sadly when I walk in the streets and look at people I can not say that I see many of them walking proudly.

I got to admit that once I changed my walk I did feel that I heavy weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and I felt more confidence and happiness in me, maybe it's similar to when you fake a smile when you're sad eventually you feel better.


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